Day Job

I am identifying myself as a paperboy, but it is really not my day job.

By day I am a Southern Baptist who has grown increasingly unapologetic when it comes to apologetics.  Having just checked on the definition of apologetics on, I realize that apologetics is not quite the right word as I have gradually become somewhat aggressive.  Apparently apologetics is concerned with the defense of Christianity.  Yeah, I will probably post some of that here, too.  My blog, my opinions, but if anyone really wants a good debate and is willing to keep it civil I will see you in the comments section.

Delivering the paper is not my second job.  After I am a servant to Jesus I am a servant to my wife.  I have to be because otherwise she gets her whip out.  Actually we believe in a traiditional family structure so she pretty well does anything I ask within reason, but in return I am bound to love her like Christ loved the church.  I could write pages upon pages about the dynamics of that, but the short version is that a traditional male-dominated household is not necessarily mysogynistic.  They certainly can be, but not if they are done the way the Word teaches.

Delivering the paper is not my third job.  After I serve Jesus and my wife I am accountable for the well being of two much smaller people.  Their eyes are always on me.  I don't need my PSP in front of me for my preschool age daughter to walk up to me and say, "Daddy you press the square, the triangle, the circle, and don't forget the X."  I am actually somewhat proud of her ability to remember the buttons on the PSP, but I am even more proud that I can make a sign for each and she can recite nine out of the ten commandments, in order, perfectly almost every time.  She somehow always tries to skip the ninth one.  My son is even smaller yet.  He is usually well behaved and when he isn't he throws the cutest little tantrums.  I'll never tell him that though or I might be stuck with those tantrums.

Delivering the paper is not even my fourth job.  Delivering the paper is way down near the bottom of the list, but I identify myself as a paperboy here because it is a job that gives me time to think about things like this.  Walking around town at 3:00 in the morning with no one but the newspapers to keep you company is something we should all try at least once in our lives.  Lately I have not even been turning the car radio on.  I have been spending that time talking with God or with the voices in my head.  The quiet allows one to ruminate on a deeper level than is possible any other time of the day.  Sometimes it is a little bit scary, but more often it is entertaining or even useful.  Most of it leaves me with the feeling later that I should have been writing stuff down.  Another word for think is muse and so this shall be the place for the musings of the paperboy.

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